Diversity & Inclusion

Building a Better Fairer World for All

At Added Value Learning we are committed to contributing to a better fairer world for all, and these values are reflected in how we do our work and the kind of work we do. In an increasingly complex and globalised world the ability to understand and operate effectively with different people and unfamilar situations is key to success.

Living and Working with Difference

Our capacity to live and work with difference begins with our awareness of our different world views. How we see ourselves and our lives, how we perceive the world around us and the people we encounter, all contribute to the personal and unique way we picture and experience the world. As social creatures when we are feeling relaxed we typically greet novel situations and unfamiliar people with a natural curiosity, finding ways to connect, collaborate and learn together. However, when under stress or feeling threatened, such encounters can be source of uncertainy and anxiety, and can lead to withdrawal or even hostility. In these situations we begin to build a picture of ‘others’ based on incomplete information and assumptions  – sometimes resulting in stereotyping and prejudice. It is easy to see how the ‘us’ and ‘them’ way of seeing the world comes about. The good news is with the right ingredients it is possible to see how we can being about the kind of change needed to break down barriers and build better relationships and more inclusive working practices.

Diversity and inclusion – the keys to success

At Added Value Learning we have been working with individual, teams and organisations for a number of years; supporting the development of inclusive ways of working; where staff feel valued and respected, and where increased engagement equates to better performance.  This can be challenging work, but the rewards for any organisation is the alignment of its core values with action; and ‘walking the talk’ will lead to highly levels of staff wellbeing, increasing performance and organisational credibility.

We offer a number of bespoke training programmes and our work includes the development of Inclusive Leadership, Mindful Intercultural Communication, Cultural Intelligience and Cultural Humility, and Diversity Training for Trainers.

We als offer diversity coaching for employees, managers and leaders at all levels.

Get in touch if you’d like to explore how we might help you build a better fairer world for all.

Some questions to get you thinking…

Q. How important is fairness for you? Is building a better world for future generations an important driver in your life?
Q. What strengths and abilities help you work with differences?
Q. What situations or people can create some uncertainty or anxiety in you? Do some people or groups at times seem threatening to you?